Switzerland - Hagebuch-Wil
Participants | |
Owner | Astra Bundesamt für Straßen, Schweiz |
Contractor | Main Contractor: Leonhard Weiss Bau AG, Allmendstr. 5, Regensdorf Contractor for pipe jacking: Sersa Group AG, Wilerstr. 57, Schwarzenbach |
Location of the Job Site | Hagebuch-Wil |
Tender | |
Short Description of Job | Crossing underneath Highway A1 by using a steel pipe casing OD813 for a plastic sewer line Awadukt PP SN10 |
Specifications for Tenders | 35 m unguided steel pipe jacking for crossing underneath the highway, shallow coverage, demanded accuracy ± 10 cm |
Alternative Methods proposed by the Constructor: | Guided auger boring with Front Steer FS813 and DTH hammer just to be prepared for hitting bigger stones and destructible obstacles |
Described Ground in the Ground Report | Refill material, no bigger stones discovered during exploaration, but occurring of bigger stones could not be excluded |
Ground conditions | |
Encountered Soils | Refill material, mix soils, bigger stones and destructible obstacles |
Depth of Coverage | ca. 2,50 m |
Accuracy | horizontally 3 cm, vertically - 8 cm |
Time for Job or Production Rate | 6 days, production rate up to 12 m per day in a 10 hours shift |
Driving Length | 35 m |
Any other Specifics | Bigger stones and destructible obstacles were hit at the end of the drilling |

Bohrtec Gesellschaft für Bohrtechnologie mbH
Konrad-Zuse-Straße 24
D - 52477 Alsdorf
+49 (0) 2404 9881 - 0
+49 (0) 2404 9881 - 10